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Established after years of personal commitment and service. Bukoba Children Foundation is an independent charity dedicated to helping the children of Bukoba, Tanzania Africa. Founded by Keith and Stella Woodman as a personal mission to service the small community where Stella grew up. Stella and Keith have been committed to this cause on a personal level for years. Graduating to the level of a federally recognized nonprofit organization is the realization of a dream for the couple. "We have grown in funding as we strive to meet the needs of the community. BCF gives us the ability to reach the next level of meaningful assistance to these impoverished children".
Having the personal connection that the founders have assures that every dollar is spent on the children, not administrative overhead.
The mission of Bukoba Children's Foundation (BCF)
is to provide a path to Jesus Christ, health resources,
clean water and a nutritional sustained diet to the
children of the village of Kajumilo.
Poverty in this area is extreme and the effects of malaria
and other disease is a constant threat.
We have currently reached a level of sustained nutrition
for a small segment of these children and are able
to provide health services to these children as well.
Our drive for 2023 is to sponsor as many village children as
possible so they can be fed, educated and kept healthy.
Our Current Fundraising Goals
We believe in the Triune God,
as spoken of in the scriptures, the Bible.
We believe the Bible is the revelation of God
through Jesus Christ to all man kind,
and is without error as it was originally written.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God,
and that His death and resurrection is the only way
to salvation for all who believe.